Saturday, December 11, 2010

1/8 through

The last time I blogged, I was beginning pharmacy school. I can't believe the first semester is over, it went by so fast. They are getting our shoes wet, so the classes weren't too bad. I'll be wishing to have this semester back once I step into second semester and so on. Not much has happened since I last posted. I've been busy with school, but trying to have fun time to time.

It is finally winter break, which means lots of food and fun with family & friends! On a sad note (for me), I will be getting braces this break. :( I will be the 23 year old with braces. That will bring my age down to maybe....12? Dang it. I already look young enough and braces are not going to help at all. I should just stop complaining and be happy. I will be happy in the long run with straight teeth. I just wish I got it done when I was in the awkward middle/high school stage.... too bad my dad wasn't very willing to pay for them back then. I just hope I get them taken off before I start my rotations because I will look like a teenage girl in a lab coat on. ):

On another note, I have many exciting plans for the upcoming semester! The one of my bazillion cousins is getting married in NYC in March, so I will be attending that! Also, I will be going on my first Alternative Spring Break (ASB) trip to Philly for...obviously, spring break! I am definitely the oldest one on the trip, but at least I fit in because I look so young. I also finish second semester classes in 12 weeks, so it'll be a quick semester.

Cheers to the holidays & give thanks for everything.

God Bless,


Saturday, August 7, 2010

New Chapter

I moved into my new apartment on saturday. I realized school was starting VERY soon. In just 7 days, I will be in the pharmacy school on my next journey in becoming a Pharm.D.! This summer break is coming to an end, but I am so excited to start the next chapter of my life. I am sure I will complain a lot during pharmacy school about how difficult school is, but I will be just fine when I get out (or I hope so).

I spent a LOT of money this summer traveling around the U.S., so the past couple of days-- I've been trying to survive with the little cash I have left. Thankfully, my loan money came in today...phew! Sucks to know how much debt I will be in when I graduate pharmacy school, but I am so grateful to be attending UGA COP. It is a lot nicer on my wallet. =)

Summer 2010 rating: 8 out of 10! I didn't sit on my butt all day for once... I actually did things. The summer took a toll on my wallet, but it kept me from being bored. Once school starts, I need to get in a routine of exercising because the great summer definitely took a toll on my body. I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life. haha, I know I am not big, but it scares me how such good food & travel can make a girl gain so much weight.

Thanks for a great summer, summer! On to the hard part: pharmacy school

On another note, congrats to Mitch SSN & Yeyoung unni on their awesome marriage!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


This is my silly little puppy, Heidi. She sleeps in such an uncomfy position sometimes.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Windy City

I always learn something new everyday. These are just a couple of things I've learned during my stay in Chicago:

1) Chicago is known as the "windy" city because of the politicians rather than the windiness of their city. interesting
2) When people are around the stadium (football, baseball, etc) with a sign "I need tickets" means they are selling tickets, not wanting tickets. This is to prevent them from getting arrested. Interesting again.

Anyways... I said I would update my blog with some pictures from Chicago. More pictures will be posted as my stay in Chicago goes on. This is basically my last summer break for the rest of my life, so I need to live it up. Chicago is my last vacation spot before rx school (excluding baltimore).

'nough of the blabbering, here are the pics!

The bean:

The Art Institute of Chicago:
the lion with the blackhawks helmet on

The Chicago hot dog:
Deep dish pizza @ Gino's:
Homemade food at the cousins:

Lincoln Park Zoo (FREE!!!):
John Hancock Observatory:
The part of the city I am staying at: Old Town
(& eric)


More things I've learned:

3) Lake Michigan is actually made up of salt water... not fresh water like a "LAKE" is supposed to made up of. There are always exceptions!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010


I have so much to look forward to this summer and whatever the future holds for me. Going to Chicago this weekend for the week, working more at CVS, & attending a wedding in Baltimore at the end of July. I want to go to a Braves game, go ice skating, and play a lottttttttttt this summer so call me up if you want to chill =) must need lots of fun before rx school starts.

I've been watching dramas more lately and I'm starting to get weird urges to clean the house & make food. Dramas are ADDICTING! its the devil to be exact. My older brother had a stomachache & said he wanted some tea & soup. I am NEVER very nice to my siblings, but today I felt like being nice, so I made him some citrus tea & egg drop soup. He asked me why I was being so nice, and I said I really don't know why. He said its probably because I've been watching korean dramas. WOW! hahahahahaha, I should be a little nicer to my siblings so they don't think of reasons why I am being nice. :P

I will be seeing the bf after a month apart this weekend. :) Chicago, here I come! I will be updating some pictures on my blog soon.

Monday, June 7, 2010


After a long fight, she is finally reunited with my grandpa. We will miss you dearly. I will work even harder to become a great pharmacist. I love you halmunni.

grandparents with all eight of their children back in 1988 (or so)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The West Coast

Summer X's first adventure: [California]

A few pictures of my stay...

First stop: Froyo

Free orange balloon ride:

Dweji (pig):
Huntington Library in Pasadena: just one of the many beautiful flowers there
Cindy's Birthday:
Angels game: despite the bad score
Chinese Theatre:
Venice Beach:

...many more to come :)

wish you were with me, miss you.


Getty Villa:

Roman/Greek art: "Sexual Encounter"
...supposed to be a man & woman. looks more like 2 men

Monday, May 17, 2010


Stay strong please, stay strong. I will be successful, just for you. I will see you in two weeks, so stay strong until I get back. I love you halmunni.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Summer X

I am done with undergrad. I have a whole summer to play until pharmacy school starts in August. So what will I do? play, play, work, and play some more. :)

1) Cali [5.19-6.1]
2) Chicago [sometime in June, i suppose]
3) work as CVS sometimes
4) Wedding in MD at the end of July
5) move into my new apartment the beginning of August

...there are many more things that will happen in between the list above. If you want to hang out, give me a call. I'm sure I'll just be bumming around watching movies & playing with my dog.

Time flies, I can't believe I'll be 23 this year. My birthday plans this year: dinner with a birthday buddy....thats it. no more parties for me :/ Thankfully I still look like I'm 12. I've been hearing how young I like more often lately. Its sort of frustrating, especially when I know what they're thinking. Adults don't give me respect because they think I'm one of their middle school kids' companions. Think again!!!!!! I am 22 going on to 23! About to start professional school. Haha- I suppose I'll be happy when I'm 35 when I'm the only one out of my friends getting carded for alcohol.

Anyways, cheers to the summer! Everyone have a lot of fun.. even in this scorching, humid GA weather!


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Happy 90th Birthday G'ma

Happy 90th birthday Grandma.
You have lived a very long life. You will even see your youngest grandchild graduate college.
I love you halmunni, please stay healthy.

Halmunni & Chicago gomo with her sashimi cake :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

8 Years in Athens

For months, I wondered where I will be in Fall 2010. I was so nervous I wasn't going to get in anywhere when I started researching pharmacy schools. I had such low confidence and didn't have faith in myself. Thankfully, I proved myself wrong and I am one step closer to becoming a pharmacist. Finally, the answer has been revealed. I am going to reject my Shenandoah acceptance and accept UGA's invitation.

It would have been nice to move out of Georgia for once and live on my own, but I don't think I am ready to leave my comfort zone yet. I will be living in Athens for another 3-4 years depending on where I go for my 4th year. I am super excited, but scared at the same time. It is going to be a lot of hard work... & I know that because I watch my pharmacy school friends study their butts off for hours a day just for one test. I am sure I will be able to do it because I can never get myself to just slack off. I am ready for the battle!

Now that I am in, I have been super lazy. It has only been one full day since I've known & all I do is just think about how happy I am and where I am going to live next year. I have a pile of tests, projects, and quizzes left this semester, but I can't find the motivation to finish strong. Someone give me the strength to finish... & to see Alton Brown at my commencement!

I am proud to call myself a UGA bulldawg - both UGA undergrad & pharmacy school :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

little moments

It is finally spring break. I am just ready to sit back & relax. I can't wait until Savannah/Tybee Island with the roomies & beaus. :) It will be quite fun, but I hope the rain doesn't ruin it. Why does it have to rain the three days we are going??? This is cloudy spring break, not sunny, pretty spring break.

First time going out this semester & it was quite fun. I always have a great time hanging out with the girls. Can't believe we'll all be going our separate ways in May. :/

College is flying by so quickly. I can't believe its already spring break. Soon it will be May 8th, 2010. I'll be in my cap & gown in Sanford Stadium. Ah, it will be a bittersweet moment. Hope my grandma can make it to the graduation. She is turning 90 this year & it'll be an exhausting day for her. I want her to see her last grandchild graduate from college, it will make her happy. :)

wish everyone a happy spring break & be safe!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Things I want to do before I leave

I am home alone in Athens on a weekend, so it gets me thinking. I may be in Athens for another 4 years, but if that doesn't happen, I have so many things I want to do before I leave.

1. visit the UGA Botanical Garden, possibly during the Spring when all the flowers are bloomed
2. go on the Mayfield ice cream creamery tour (I know its on 316, but I still want to go before the school year ends)
3. Terrapin Brewery (drink, drink, & drink!)
4. bar hop around bars I haven't been to ... because I am getting tired of the regulars.
5. go back to all the yummy restaurants I love in Athens. 5 and 10, Last resort, etc (if only I had all the $$ in the world)
6. take pictures with all the bulldog statues around campus
7. jog around in the intramural trails
8. try new restaurants (in the progress)

&& more. (I'll add when I think of more)

I thought being home alone will help my studies, but I find ways to distract myself. I went to kroger to buy funfetti mix (AGAIN!), keep listening to music, checking my facebook, and now its a blog post. Haha.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Where will I be by the end of 2010

this is my first blog ever, so gimme some slack ;)

I have so many decisions to make & many things to look forward to this upcoming fall. I may be in a completely new setting in VA or in athens, my comfort zone. I am very bad at trying NEW things and going somewhere I haven't been. Maybe its because I am scared things will go wrong. Even at restaurants, I tend to go back to the "usual" dish.
If I move up to Winchester, VA I will learn more about myself & learn to live on my own. If I stay in Athens, I will be around the usual people and stay in my comfort zone. My ultimate decision will be based on money $$. Which school is cheaper? UGA definitely. I love it here & I don't think I am ready to leave just yet. However, I am excited to move on and explore-- in the boonies of VA. I will be surrounded by a new town and new people. Please bear with me on this journey. I am sure I will make the right decision-- cross your fingers & hope I hear good news. :)

shall write more later. thanks for visiting!